Wanna bet?

What a pity Doug Jones wasn’t talking like this before the special election:

Alabamians are ready for more gun control.

At least that’s what their Democratic Sen. Doug Jones said.

Jones wants tighter background checks for gun sales and to raise the age requirement to purchase a gun from 18 to 21, and he thinks Alabamians are on the same page.

“People in Alabama love their guns, but they also love their children,” Jones told CNN Friday at an event at Birmingham’s Civil Rights Institute sponsored by the Faith and Politics Institute, NOLA.com reported. “And they like to be safe in theaters, and they like to be safe in churches, and I think there is common ground.  People look at the tragedy and say its the tragedy that all of a sudden called us to action. [But] we’ve never had a group of students like we have at Parkland.”

Those students are “going to get people talking,” Jones said, “and their voices are going to be heard all the way to the election in 2018.”

Of course they haven’t. They never had a collection of crisis actors on stage before. And I certainly hope that their voices are going to continue to be heard all the way to the 2018 election, because that will ensure a better midterm election cycle than average for the God-Emperor.