The strategery of Alt-Retard

The moderators and I have been spamming a suprising number of snarky off-topic comments like these lately.

The Jew/SJW converged Negro Felon League sure does get prominent placement here on Vox Populi, the home of AltRight thought leadership. Why is that?

Why do I occasionally post about the NFL? Because I like NFL football and I have been a Vikings fan since I was a child. A lot of my readers also like the NFL and enjoy discussing it in the comments. And even though I am unhappy enough about the recent SJW convergence that I stopped subscribing to NFL Game Pass and only watch the free games now – an act that sends a stronger message to the NFL and hurts the league considerably more than someone who only ever watched the free games not watching them now – that doesn’t change my liking for the actual sport of football at all.

The reality is that the spaghetti-armed gammas of the Alt-Retard have always hated football, have always hated and feared athletes, and they are using the recent convergence of the league to try to convince others to hate the sport too. That hatred for the sport itself comes through in their bizarre attempts to influence what others watch; if their concerns were merely about race they would either concentrate on basketball or the recent signs of the coming convergence of hockey. They don’t offer alternatives. They don’t offer any solutions. Instead, they leap to try to police the entertainment choices of others and attack them for daring to like what they like.

Which, of course, is closely akin to what SJWs do. This should not be a surprise because Alt-Retards are, like SJWs, of the political Left, and they also, like SJWs, largely consist of low-status gamma soyboys.

Their stupidity, and their certain failure, can be seen in the obvious futility of their actions. If they were smart, they would be working to either fix or replace one of the most popular institutions in America. But they’re not, so their brilliant strategy is to simply attack and insult everyone who enjoys that institution. By doing so, they inspire even those who were previously indifferent to them to actively despise them.

The Fake Right isn’t merely fraudulent and futile, it is almost criminally stupid. The Alt-Right is inevitable, but the Alt-Retards will never be a true part of it, let alone lead it, no matter how much they dance for the media and claim to be leading the parade.