Hit piece incoming!

Buzzfeed is taking up the baton from Bleeding Cool and intends to take the next crack at noted comic artist Ethan Van Sciver. Bounding Into Comics has both the loaded questions as well as Van Sciver’s responses.

BuzzFeed News looks to take the attacks on DC Comics artist Ethan Van Sciver to the next level. Reporter Rachael Krishna informed Ethan Van Sciver he would be the subject of an upcoming piece on BuzzFeed News.

She elaborated the piece would be “about ‘comicsgate’, more specifically accusations that [Ethan has] used [his] influence and power in the industry to encourage far-right harassment campaigns online and thet you have relationships with accounts involved in the targeted harassment of people in the comics industry.”

Krishna then goes on to say she’s “been told a number of anecdotes about [Ethan’s] behavior from other writers, illustrators, and people involved in comics.”

Those anecdotes include a number of debunked stories as well as instances that Ethan Van Sciver has already addressed. But since these attacks continue, Ethan spoke with us and addressed each of her supposed pieces of “evidence” against him. We will go through each of BuzzFeed’s allegations word for word and show Ethan’s response to each of the allegations. Each of the allegations are directly quoted from BuzzFeed News reporter Rachael Krishna.

BuzzFeed Allegation: By asking Darryl Ayo to appear on your show, then continuing to tweet about this, you opened him up for abuse from trolls and encouraged this.

Ethan’s Response: “Darryl Ayo is a stranger to me, and yet since last May, he has been sending tweets out that I am a White Supremacist and a Nazi. I am NOT a White Supremacist or a Nazi. I find racism deplorable, I find bigotry disgusting, and I have never engaged in racial politics or “Naziism”. My children are Jewish!!!

I am a moderate Republican.

Darryl’s tweets circulated, influenced other twitter users, confused my fan base and made their way back to me. This caused me and my family intense stress, to the point where we were afraid to travel because of personal threats we were receiving, all of them using the word “Nazi.”

I ignored Darryl, as he continued tweeting lies about me through August.

Soon, after having established a successful and growing YouTube page called ComicArtistPro Secrets, in which I endeavored to present left wing creators to my audience in a cooperative, conversational light, I grew brave enough to invite Darryl Ayo, who I believed was an intellectual left winger who simply didn’t know me at all, to my show to interview him, and hopefully humanize myself to him.

There would have been an enormous audience. Had I abused him in any way, I would have been condemned, dead to rights, on video. I wouldn’t have…I have a history on my channel of conducting interviews with viewpoints as diverse as Mark Waid and Vox Day. I allow them to speak, I let the audience decide.

Darryl declined to be on the show. He said it was midnight, which it was, but he was up tweeting, which is how he saw my tweet.

He then began to tweet horrible things about me, wanting to attack him, etc. I responded, incredulously, and we had a short spat in which I realized I wasn’t going to accomplish anything. I blocked him, he continued cursing my name…and continues to. My fans see my name, and they try to defend me. He tells them all, no matter how polite, to go f*** themselves. But the more he name drops me, the more my fans defend me, and the more his fans attack ME.

I quietly left twitter under the harassment.”

If you remember Ethan Van Sciver has been threatened with physical violence on multiple occasions. He was first threatened before an upcoming fan signing at Gotham City Pizza in Florida and then most recently if he happened to show up at Emerald City Comic Con.

And Ayo definitely referenced or called Ethan Van Sciver a white supremacist and a Nazi on several occasions.

You know, it is evident that by demanding that Ethan Van Sciver answer these questions, then continuing to write about this, Rachael Krishna opened him up for abuse from trolls and encouraged this.

This is obviously yet another case of SJW journalistic corruption, helping other SJWs guilty of harassment and online abuse deny their actions by reversing victim and offender. They do this because there are few things that SJWs hate and fear more than people who demonstrate their ability to effectively defend themselves against SJW attack.

Read the whole thing. All of Krishna’s very loaded questions are posted there.