The Northern League is finally confronting the mass invasion of Europe and the most important chart in the world:
An Italian politician has called for his countrymen to decide whether they wish to preserve the ‘white race’ in the face of mass migration to Europe.
Politician Attilio Fontana, from the Northern League, said Italy had a stark choice to make over immigration – propelling the contentious topic to the front and centre of the general election campaign.
‘We have to decide if our ethnicity, if our white race, if our society continues to exist or if it will be wiped out,’ Fontana said, the League’s candidate to govern the northern Lombardy region.
It was ‘not a question of being xenophobic or racist, but a question of being logical or rational,’ he said in remarks made on Sunday.
Unfortunately, Fontana backed down a bit under media pressure, which is always a mistake. People have to stop denying that their position is xenophobic, racist, or whatever else the globalist media calls it. The characterizations are purely rhetorical and are totally meaningless from a dialectical perspective. All that matters is that the statement is true. The defenders of the West need to stop apologizing for defending their civilization. The West cannot and will not survive if it is populated by the South or the East; it will no longer be the West. Stop allowing the critics to pretend otherwise.
The correct response would have been: “Why do you wish to destroy Italy? Why do you wish to destroy the European nations? Why do you seek to destroy Western civilization?” Instead of constantly playing defense, force them to try to deny that they are doing what they are doing when the evidence is everywhere, right in front of everyone.
If Congolese or Chinese or penguins from the South Pole can truly become Westerners and maintain Western civilization, let them prove that they can do so in their own countries first. Civilization is not a game and the entire world will suffer greatly from the transformation of the West into the Not-West. Because what we are presently enduring is the Great Retardation of the West and the literal dumbing-down of the entire planet.