Shakedown or superfreak?

Things go from bad to worse for Marvel:

Comic book legend Stan Lee has been hit with several allegations of sexual assault and harassment by nurses caring for him at his Hollywood Hills home. The Marvel creator, 95, is alleged to have repeatedly groped and harassed a string of young female nurses employed to care for him….

A source with knowledge of the situation, said: ‘Stan is an old man who has seemingly lost his way. He doesn’t seem to care what people think of him, he’s lost his filter. There has been a stream of young nurses coming to his house in West Hollywood and he has been sexually harassing them. He finds it funny. He walks around naked and is vulgar towards the women, he asks them for oral sex in the shower and wants to be pleasured in his bedroom. He uses the word p***y and f**k in their presence.

‘He’s also very handsy and has groped some of the women, it’s unacceptable behavior, especially from an icon like Stan.’

The source added: ‘The owner at the nursing company has openly said to people that Stan has sexually harassed every single nurse that has been to the house. That got back to Lee and sparked this whole thing.

‘It appears the owner, who has nursed Stan herself, eventually decided enough was enough.’

A rep for the nursing company confirmed that the female owner had received several complaints from nurses who had worked at Lee’s house and she had complained directly to Lee.

Speaking as the Supreme Dark Lord of the Evil Legion of Evil, I would like to formally deny any responsibility for these reports. And certainly none of these attractive young nurses are VFM strategically placed in position to take down the last remaining icon of the comics industry.