Peak humanity

Alas for the dreams of the posthumanists and progressives. Science has spoken. Humanity has peaked:

The human race has peaked, with mankind reaching its maximum limits for height, lifespan and physical performance, scientists have claimed. Despite stories that each generation will live longer and longer, a new report suggests there may be a maximum threshold to our biological limits that we cannot exceed.

In particular, the French research team behind the study found what appears to be a plateau in the maximum biological limits for humans’ height, age and physical abilities. “These traits no longer increase, despite further continuous nutritional, medical, and scientific progress,” said Professor Jean-François Toussaint from Paris Descartes University.

Well, we already know that average human intelligence has peaked. The consequence of preventing starvation in Africa has been to drastically increase the low-IQ population. IQs are falling everywhere from Great Britain and Germany to the USA and South Africa.

Forget colonizing space. The West will be lucky to come out of The Great Endumbening with functional indoor plumbing. Mark my words: civic nationalism will eventually be understood to be a more foolish, more societally destructive concept than communism. It is only surpassed in that regard by feminism.