From Peter King’s increasingly NFL-free MMQB column:
2015: Megyn Kelly, proving to be a tough and formidable moderator in a Republican Primary debate, asks the question of all presidential-debate questions to Donald Trump, about why he has called women he didn’t like “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, disgusting animals.”
2016: In an interview with Kelly on FOX five months before the election, Trump tells Kelly in another headline-maker that if he does not win in November, “I will consider it to be a total and complete waste of time, energy and money.”
2017: Kelly hosts a segment on the “Today” show about how to dress your dog for Halloween.
Keep that in mind when Robert Mueller announces his long-anticipated indictments today.
UPDATE: The Russian investigation appears to be the nothingest of nothingburgers.
The former chairman of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has been told to surrender to authorities on charges including tax fraud, according to people familiar with the matter.
UPDATE: Or perhaps not. But it’s looking more Deep Swampy than anything:
Paul Manafort and Rick Gates were told to surrender to face charges including conspiracy against the United States and conspiracy to launder money. Other charges are being an unregistered agent of a foreign principal, false and misleading Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) statements, false statements, and seven counts of failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts.