In case you had any doubts about the existence of the SJW-imposed blacklist of conservatives that Megan Fox reported on in her article yesterday at PJ Media:
Ashley Witter, since you almost certainly have no idea, is one of the “minimally talented hacks producing mediocre (to astonishingly amateurish) work loaded with left-wing and gender politics” for Marvel. And below is how Marvel and other SJW-converged comics publishers are not mixing politics with work.
Of course, we all know that “when SJWs say keep politics out they mean keep YOUR politics and morals out. THEY have free reign to do and say as they please.” So, help us beat them and their blacklist, and help us beat them badly.
As for the idea that we “stole” the G.I. Joe logo, that is obviously false. There is no possibility of confusing the two. But regardless, whoever is presently publishing G.I. Joe should not even be permitted to publish it anymore, given how it has allowed SJWs to transform it from an American military force called Special Counter-Terrorist Unit Delta into a global task force known as the Global Integrated Joint Operating Entity.