Megan Fox proves that Marvel, DC, and other comics publishers are blacklisting non-SJW artists and writers in her article at PJ Media entitled Prominent Conservative Artists Blacklisted Because of Involvement with Alt*Hero Comics Series:
Conservatives are mocked in comics circles for claiming there is a blacklist in the industry, but the evidence points to work being withheld from writers and artists deemed too right-wing. Lim feels he is now on that list of unemployable deplorables. “I understand the decision, but it IS a blacklist. And these are things other writers and artists should know before taking on work,” he said. Lim feels that an artist’s job is to do the work he is hired for. “Recently I did two covers for a Bernie supporter for his book. Considering how political SJW Marvel is, practically every drawing I did for the company merchandise is a depiction of a narrative I disagree with. But I don’t live in an echo chamber and I carve out a living by taking on work I am asked to do and I fulfill it to the best of my ability. Some people cannot separate the work from the worker. The artist acts as a de facto ‘endorser’ of the work,” Lim explained.
Asked if Lim had ever been attacked by conservatives for drawing Bernie-themed covers, he laughed. “In seven years not once has a conservative contacted me to shame me for my work or blacklist me for the clients that I had.” Lim’s major work includes Star Wars Adventures, Back to the Future, Street Fighter X G.I. Joe, TMNT and much more. He worked for seven years as a merchandising artist with properties that included Marvel, Lucasfilm, Valve, and Nickelodeon.
PJ Media reached out to Vox Day for his opinion of Lim’s blacklisting from Mount Olympus. “The fact that a comics publisher, of any political stripe, would refuse to utilize the work of an accomplished illustrator like Timothy Lim simply because he worked with someone else they don’t like is absurd, but more importantly, it is proof that they are less interested in producing quality content than they are in pursuing approval from social justice warriors.”
Day released Lim’s cover work for Alt★Hero to PJ Media saying, “We love Mr. Lim’s work. He absolutely nailed the essence of Dynamique’s character with the way he shows her sitting there so calmly despite all the devastation behind her.”
And so much for the false Narrative that Avalon writer Chuck Dixon wouldn’t speak out about the ludicrous behavior of the SJWs in comics or his involvement with the Alt★Hero campaign:
Chuck Dixon, the Batman writer most known for co-creating the popular villain Bane and the man Bleeding Cool called “the most prolific comic book writer of all time,” has also been attacked for signing on with Alt★Hero. PJ Media spoke to Dixon about it. “A couple fellow travelers called me out on Facebook when the news came out that I’d be contributing to the Alt★Hero project. They had the echo chamber on their pages with all the usual assumptions and name calling,” he said. A quick search on Twitter showed multiple sources calling Dixon a “Nazi.”
“I’ve experienced a steep drop in assignments since 2000. Primarily from the two largest comics publishers [Marvel and DC Comics]. The reason for this can only be my politics and a change in editorship at those companies,” he said…. Dixon has heard disturbing things from his former employers. “The editor-in-chief at one company proudly tells people that I will never work there again as long as he’s in charge,” he said. “A friend of people high up in both companies suggested that I apologize for my political beliefs in order to get assignments again. That’s never going to happen,” he promised.
Definitely read the whole thing.
UPDATE: on a not-unrelated note, the reason Freestartr was temporarily down was that it was the target of a DDOS attack, presumably from SJWs attempting to interfere with the Alt★Hero campaign. If they’re this desperate to shut it down, perhaps it is worth supporting even if you’re not into comics.