
The latest rumor from the deeps: Julian Assange, Sean Hannity, and company are giving Robert Mueller until the 21st to act on DNC/Russia/GOPe collusion. Assange released the hashes to the media for the data dump on the 15th. Either Mueller can do his job and act on information he already has, and that he knows Trump knows he has, or he can try to explain why he didn’t do anything with it when everyone learns what he has been sitting on.

This is NOT to be confused with Three Disclosures that have been separately mentioned and are believed to be of larger scope. It is believed to be possible that it may help lay the foundation for them, however.

For indications of confirmation, look for media reports claiming the Pakistani IT guy now in FBI custody, Awan, to be somehow tied to the murder of Seth Rich. Since he’s already been taken, the guilty parties will attempt to blame as much as they can on him. In any event, this promises to be bigger than the previous Wikileaks release of the Podesta emails.