So, I’m informed that my arbitrary selection of 150 Rebel figurines was rather uninformed, since apparently the minimum order number where per unit prices are sensible is 500. (Don’t ask me why I chose 150, it was 3 in the morning at the time and I don’t think I was expecting that more than a handful of people would order one anyway.)
Anyhow, being a collector of wargames, and, apparently, Ridgebacks, I don’t know what the rules of statue collecting are, but I do understand that the less of them that are out there, the more desirable they are. Hence the following questions:
- Do any Rebel-level backers care if we increase the number of figurines produced from 150 to 500?
- If you do care, but not that much, is there anything we can do to make it up to you? My thought was to throw in a second t-shirt with the Alt★Hero logo if you are one of the 78 backers who are signed up at the Rebel level now.
- Is going to 500 okay if they are numbered? Again, I don’t know how these things work.
We can leave things as they are and it won’t break anything, it’s just that some pretty good-looking options require minimum 500 orders. We will be offering other figurines – right now the three most-requested are a) Spacebunny, b) Dynamique, and c) More Rebel – and they will all be done in quantities of 500.
UPDATE: All right, after hearing from a lot of you, we’ve decided to increase the limited edition quantity to more viable 490, plus the 10 for the highest level backers. The statues will be numbered according to the order backed, and, depending upon what is possible, we will try to find some way to distinguish the first 150 from the next 340.