As I correctly observed from their various writing styles, there are multiple “Andrew Anglins” who are presently running from their scheduled debate with me tonight. This style guide was sent by a former ghostwriter for the Daily Stormer. It is quite long, complete with lists of acceptable slurs and swear words and unacceptable ones, so I’ve just posted some of the sections that I found to be particularly informative.
The funniest thing, at least for this GamerGater, was learning that the model for the Daily Stormer is Gawker. How very appropriate. This version was clearly written in 2016, sometime before Donald Trump’s election but after he secured the Republican nomination.
To quote the email, “You are right that many people post under ‘Andrew Anglin.’”
This is the Anglin’s style guide,
The byline is entered manually. It should be entered thusly at the top of the page:
Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
Month Day, Year
Article BodyThere should always be a header image at the top of an article. A YouTube clip can also fill this spot.
The basic format should usually be:
A bit of commentary
Quote from mainstream news source
A bit more commentaryYou can also break up the quote from the mainstream source and interject commentary. You can use multiple sources.
Quote Method
There is almost never a need to completely rewrite a story. It is legal under fair use laws to quote large parts of an article, as long as you don’t quote the whole thing, and you can use this to get the basic facts of the story stated, rather than just retyping them.
There are several reasons I have settled on this model. Initially, I tried rewriting stories, but found that this was time consuming and pointless. I’ve also realized that the quote system serves to break-up the text in a way that is appealing to the ADHD demographic we are targeting. Moreover, being able to see the mainstream source quoted allows us to co-opt the perceived authority of the mainstream media, and not look like one of these sites we are all probably familiar with where you are never certain if what they are saying has been confirmed.
The site is in many ways modeled of of successful liberal blogs such as Gawker. They have produced a successful method to appeal to the same age demographic we want to appeal to.
As a side, the contrast between the mainstream writing style and our own humorous, snarky style can be funny.
It’s surprisingly well-structured, and in some ways, is more informative than the AP style manual. However, the nastiness, the shamelessness, and the intrinsic dishonesty that I find so contemptible about the Anglins shines through.
Prime Directive: Always Blame the Jews for Everything
As Hitler says in Mein Kampf, people will become confused and disheartened if they feel there are multiple enemies. As such, all enemies should be combined into one enemy, which is the Jews. This is pretty much objectively true anyway, but we want to leave out any and all nuance.
So no blaming Enlightenment though, pathological altruism, technology/urbanization, etc. – just blame Jews for everything.
This basically includes blaming Jews for the behavior of other non-Whites. Of course it should not be that they are innocent, but the message should always be that if we didn’t have the Jews we could figure out how to deal with non-Whites very easily.
The same deal with women. Women should be attacked, but there should always be mention that if it wasn’t for the Jews, they would be acting normally.
What should be completely avoided is the sometimes mentioned idea that “even if we got rid of the Jews we would still have all these other problems.” The Jews should always be the beginning and the end of every problem, from poverty to poor family dynamics to war to the destruction of the rainforest….
The way they always talk about the Daily Stormer being “the biggest Alt-Right site” is not an accident. Also, it’s almost certainly not true. These guys inflate their statistics and exaggerate their popularity and influence to an extent that almost rivals John Scalzi. If you notice, I have nearly three times more followers on Gab than Anglin, 19,209 compared to 7,517, probably because it is much harder to create fake accounts and buy followers on Gab than on Twitter. I expect that they have been manipulating the Alexa rankings in the way I have demonstrated can be done with as few as 30 people. And the repetitive talk about “how much he’s done” and how “super interesting he is” is just more of this constantly self-inflating, self-marketing puffery.
We are covering very negative content, generally, but still as much effort as possible should be put into presenting a positive message. We should always claim we are winning, and should celebrate any wins with extreme exaggeration.
This does not mean we downplay the enemy, just that we play up ourselves. We overestimate our influence.
No wonder they cucked and ran; the lead Anglin belatedly realized there was no way he was going to be able to claim he’d won after a debate with me. This also explains why a few of his followers, who may be Anglin ghostwriters themselves, have been falsely claiming that I was the one who ran away, not the Anglins.
Tyler Bourbon @AureliuSS
I can’t believe believr @voxday cucked out on the debate! Sad!
And lest you think that the Anglins are just performance art, as I pointed out, they are playing the Jon Stewart game of “kidding, not kidding… wait, I’m just a clown” in order to preemptively fend off merited criticism.
I will say that probably my greatest mistake with this site was condemning Dylan Roof. In my own defense, I was pretty pissed off. Because there were a lot of places where he could have shot young adult nigger males engaged in something other than prayer. Still, I should have simply suggested that (which I did do) without saying “I condemn.”
Finally, notice that the Anglins merit zero sympathy for being kicked off Cloudflare, as their principle of celebrating people as secret Nazis is precisely what got them into trouble there.
No Criticism of Other White Activists
This goes without saying but I’ll say it anyway: there should never be any criticism of other white activists, even faggots we all fucking hate.
There is nothing profitable which can come of this. And this is the biggest site, so by attacking others who are wrong all we would be doing is giving them attention they wouldn’t otherwise have gotten.
Responding to the bullshit of RamZPaul was a mistake I made which I won’t make again.
In general, other white activists should be praised as heroes or by mentioned at all. I think we all probably know who is who as far as all that goes.
Note that this doesn’t necessarily apply to all mainstream right wing figures such as Marine Le Pen.
Attacking Mainstreaming Shills
Pro-Jew shills should be attacked. These include Alex Jones, Gavin McInnes and Milo. At the same time, they should also be accused/celebrated as secret Nazis whenever they post anything that lines up with our agenda.