“A number of confirmed fatalities” reported by police at a bombing at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK.
How is this cultural enrichment an improvement on a traditional ethnostate, exactly?
Now they are reporting 20+ 30+ 19 22 dead.
I just did a Darkstream on the topic: Immigration Kills. Whether we will or no, the Killing Season has fallen upon the West. And the post-Christian West cannot honestly say it does not deserve it.
UPDATE: “US officials briefed on Manchester incident say UK officials suspect it was caused by suicide bomber.”
Paul Joseph Watson@PrisonPlanet
U.S. officials tell NBC Manchester attack was carried out by a suicide bomber. Horrific.Supreme Dark Lord @voxday
That’s civic nationalism for you. It’s over, Paul. You’ll join the Alt-Right sooner or later. It’s inevitable.