Ann Barnhardt reports on what the self-appointed global elite believes, and what they discuss when they think no one is listening:
Topic 1: Nationalism is bad and must be completely purged from humanity.
The Swiss law professor went on a rant about how “deeply engrained” the scourge of Nationalism is in the human mind, citing Switzerland as his example. Switzerland contains four separate groups: German, French, Italian and Romansh. And even though it is a tiny country, very politically and socially liberal, with four discreet cultural groups with DIFFERENT LANGUAGES, all the Swiss people STILL, he lamented bitterly, identify as SWISS. If the Swiss all still have this deep Nationalistic pride and identity, imagine how much harder it will be to purge Nationalism from the Germans, or, THE FRENCH!
Topic 2: Typical woman…
They then started talking about the speakers at the conference. One was a Dutch female law professor. “Is she straight?” “Yeah, she’s straight. And she expects to be submitted to because of her gender!” I laughed out loud.
Topic 3: Law by Stealth
The fag then began to hold forth on how much appreciated the presentation of the Swiss guy, particularly the tactic of “Law By Stealth”, and how well that concept “fits in with our project”. Indeed. Also with Bergoglio’s project. Law By Stealth. It’s their own term, kids. Start using it. That is what all of this crap is.
Topic 4: Was he a threat?
The fag then asked the table who “the man in the back, with the long hair, that asked the questions” was. Someone answered, “He’s English”. The fag then asked, “Is he a threat?” Because people who ask substantive questions are “a threat”.
Topic 5: The Goal Is Global Fascism
The Swiss lawyer, it turns out, also has a private practice. When the Fag started talking about how all “private law” is really just a subset of the “imperial governmental” paradigm, and cited ICANN as his example, the Swiss came right out and said that the only possible model is total global control of all trade and businesses. Global Fascism. He said the “biggest player” is the “OMNIPOTENT REGULATOR”, which can be the “good company”, that is a company that is fully controlled by and submissive to the state, “that is so powerful” that it becomes the de facto regulator. His example? You guessed it: Apple.
Got that: the only possible model is “total global control of all trade and businesses”. Globalism is a superset of Fascism. Everyone who is not staunchly and unavowedly nationalist, even those nice, conservative civic nationalists, even those libertarian free traders, even those anarchist antifa, are servants, witting or unwitting, of the GloCoFa ideology. They are parts of the great machine of Global Corporate Fascism.
And as for Law by Stealth, is there any doubt that globalism is simply the latest incarnation of neo-babelism inspired by the god of this world, constructed upon a foundation of lies?