SJWs Always lie in audiobook

It took a few false starts, but the third time proved to be the charm and we finally managed to get it done. I’m happy to be able to announce that SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police is now available in audiobook format.

The audiobook is narrated by Bob Allen, who did his customary bang-up job, and is 6 hours and 49 minutes long. You can listen to a sample there. If you’ve only read the Kindle version, you might be interested in picking up the paperback version, which is available too.

SJWAL has been Castalia’s bestseller for most of the last year, but that appears likely to change, as MAGA Mindset, by Mike Cernovich, is doing very well. Mike recently reported that the paperback contained an error, but just to be clear, that was only in the CreateSpace version that was out briefly before we managed to get our version into distribution. The kindle version, the paperbacks from us, and the new hardcover which is still in the process of being listed by Amazon, all contain the fixed version of the text.

Regardless, Mike is tearing it up again. He’d probably have #1, #2, and #3 in the category if the audiobook was available from Audible yet. Note that the Kindle price shown below is misleading; it is actually $7.99.