A skull for the SDL!

A reader on Gab successfully applies the lessons of SJWs Always Lie:

A SJW just resigned in embarrassment after unsuccessfully attacking me at work! Thanks to “SJWs Always Lie” by @voxday, I was able to preempt her by predicting her plan/goals to my colleagues. Her coup attempt was strongly rebuffed by them; after realizing she had no support she left in disgrace.

These days, no one is safe from SJWs. They are a plague upon Western Civilization and one can neither reason with nor negotiate with them. If you haven’t read the book yet, it really is in your best interests to do so. It can observably make the difference between you losing your job in disgrace and your SJW attacker doing so.

Anyhow, I love to see AARs of anti-SJW defenses, particularly the successful ones. But even the unsuccessful ones are informative.