Do not – repeat – DO NOT – post pictures of your children on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or anywhere else on the Internet. They are not old enough to consent to it or understand the long-term consequences, and you are violating their privacy. It’s particularly egregious when you see parents posting pictures of their kids all over the place, but they refrain from posting pictures of themselves.
I expect there are going to be a lot of these cases in the future, and that the children are going to win because the parents quite clearly did not have their children’s interests at heart, but were merely indulging their own egos:
A 18-year-old woman from Carinthia is suing her parents for posting photos of her on Facebook without her consent. She claims that since 2009 they have made her life a misery by constantly posting photos of her, including embarrassing and intimate images from her childhood. Her lawyer Michael Rami says that to date, her parents have posted 500 images of her on the social media site without her consent, and he believes she has a good chance of winning in court.
You may now proceed with the expected snowflaking.