Mike Cernovich is on it the story of the National Press Club allegedly cancelling a National Policy Institute event scheduled to be held at its site:
For the first time in its history, the National Press Club has prohibited a peaceful organization from holding an event in the ironically titled Free Speech Lounge.
NPC, which has defended revenge porn sites like Gawker, agreed to allow Richard B. Spencer of the National Policy Institute to hold an event called, “What is the Alt-Right?”
On August 24, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton dedicated a major campaign speech to the “emerging” ideology known as the Alt Right.
So what is the Alt Right? Who makes up the Alt Right, and what are its central ideas?
On Friday, September 9, The National Policy Institute will host a conference—free and open to the public and press—in which Alt-Right leaders discuss their movement.
When I called NPC’s reservation office to ask if NPI’s alt-right event had been cancelled, the polite Michelle said that it sounds like an Internet rumor, as it’s not the policy of NPC to censor speakers.
Given that Richard Spencer has a signed contract, it’s looking pretty troubling for the outfit that has been complaining publicly about Donald Trump’s media blacklist.
If true, this is exactly why the Alt-Right exists in the first place. We are done with listening to the heartfelt appeals to equality and fairness, which are been abandoned as soon as those who make such appeals feel they are in a position of power.
We’re now living in a post-ideological age of identity politics. Be aware of that, as even the so-called, self-appointed champions of free speech don’t hesitate to shut down speech they don’t like.