The Blaze is going down

According to a diabolically fashionable source:

My spies tell me that The Blaze is desperately seeking a cash injection to stay afloat, and that if it doesn’t get investment in the next couple of weeks it’s all over. The company was looking at a DIP loan last week, which is only ever used in cases of significant financial distress, when other options are exhausted. I can’t imagine who’d buy the company now, especially since all the big editorial talents are gone. Last significant person to jump ship was Jason Howerton, whom I rate highly and who was, I am told, almost single-handedly responsible for the success of the written content on the site. What is left, at this point, to acquire?

Well, there is always Matt Walsh, the Bravest of the Brave, who isn’t afraid to run away after calling out the entirety of Donald Trump’s supporters.

To be honest, I have no idea who else is there, because I have literally never been on that site or watched that channel, or, to be honest, ever been entirely clear what it actually is. The only thing I really knew about it was that Glenn Beck is involved and he is a fraud.

In November 2014, for instance, was attracting 29 million unique visitors per month, according to figures from the Web traffic measure service Quantcast. But by November 2015, monthly traffic for the had dropped to 16.4 million unique visitors, and traffic for the associated website had plunged from 4.4 million to 1.4 million uniques.

It’s worse now, having fallen to 8.3 million uniques in August 2016. That’s a 70 percent drop in less than two years. No wonder Beck is in trouble.