The Science Fiction Women’s Awards

The SFWA’s Nebula Awards were given out this weekend and offer further proof that allowing women into a men’s club inevitably destroys it over time. The winners in the four major categories:

Novel: Uprooted, Naomi Novik
Novella: Binti, Nnedi Okorafor
Novelette: “Our Lady of the Open Road,” Sarah Pinsker
Short Story: “Hungry Daughters of Starving Mothers,” Alyssa Wong

What’s interesting about this is that all the screaming about sexism in science fiction has never been louder. This is despite the fact that women now dominate the SF publishing houses, the editorships, run the SFWA, and are giving themselves literally all the major awards. Consider the winners of the four categories over the last five years:

2015: 4/4 women
2014: 3/4 women
2013: 4/4 women
2012: 2/4 women
2011: 2/4 women

The trend is clear, and what is readily apparent is that very few, if any, men will win Nebula Awards in the future. You might think I’m complaining about this, but quite to the contrary, I very much welcome the transformation of SFWA into the Science Fiction Women’s Awards. The more the SF publishers are influenced by it, the bigger a competitive advantage Castalia House is going to have.

Men reliably flee female-dominated institutions and activities. There is a reason there are so few lawsuits by men demanding admittance into women’s-only organizations, after all. The 2015 Nebula Awards not only tell us who is probably going to win the Hugo Awards for Best Novel and Best Novella, but also indicate that Pink SF is going to become even more omnipresent in what passes for mainstream science fiction publishing.