You may have thought that Castalia House was done for 2015 following the release of its most recent Political Philosophy bestseller
earlier this week, but nothing could be further from the truth. Not only are we hard at work getting several audiobooks out before the end of the year, but we are less than two weeks away from reviving a series that has lain dormant for 26 years since the end of the Cold War.
That’s right, for the first time in nearly three decades, Jerry Pournelle’s legendary There Will Be War anthology series of military science fiction and military fact, which served as the inspiration for Castalia’s Riding the Red Horse series, is back! Dr. Pournelle has been hard at work putting together a collection of the best of the new breed mil-SF writers with the best of the old guard, and the result is one of the most formidable collections of talent since the second in the series, the epic There Will Be War Volume II, which featured Poul Anderson’s “Time Lag”, Joel Rosenberg’s “Cincinnatus”, William F. Wu’s “In the Shadow of a Phosphor Screen”, and Eric Vinicoff’s “‘Caster”.
Only time will tell if Volume X will prove to be similarly memorable, but the lineup of contributors would be hard to beat. In addition to an introduction by Jerry Pournelle, the new volume features:
- Gregory Benford
- Charles W. Shao
- William S. Lind and LtCol Gregory A. Thiele, USMC
- Ben Bova
- Allen M. Steele
- Michael Flynn
- Martin van Creveld
- Matthew Joseph Harrington
- Cheah Kai Wai
- Col Douglas Beason, USAF, ret.
- John DeChancie
- CDR Phillip E. Pournelle, USN
- Russell Newquist
- Brian Noggle
- David VanDyke
- Lt Col Guy R. Hooper, USAF, ret. and Michael L. McDaniel
- Poul Anderson
- Larry Niven
The much-ballyhooed End of History and the permanent triumph of democratic liberalism has proven to be a mirage. As Dr. Pournelle has repeatedly warned us, There Will Be War.
If you still haven’t signed up for the New Release mailing list, you’re definitely going to want to do so for this one, as the bonus book offer is even better than the one we offered earlier this week. The book will initially be out in ebook, in audiobook early next year, then in a hardcover omnibus edition with Volume IX sometime in Spring 2016.