The final five percent

Now you know why SJWs are constantly telling us that we are -phobic. Third Law. This recent Twitter exchange, which an old acquaintance brought to my attention, is extremely amusing.

V. aimmyarrowshigh ‏@aimmyarrowshigh
Pre-emptively block V/ox D/a/y, for your own safety. Literal safety.

Ella Dawson ‏@brosandprose
@aimmyarrowshigh oh he’s blocked. I subscribed to a GG autoblocker like a year ago and it saved me from a WORLD of harassment this summer.

V. aimmyarrowshigh ‏@aimmyarrowshigh
Good, good. He’s a sociopath, and I don’t say that lightly.

Ella Dawson ‏@brosandprose
one look at his profile is enough to make that extremely clear.

V. aimmyarrowshigh ‏@aimmyarrowshigh
It makes me feel physically sick that men like that are still given sizable platforms and go unquestioned.

Ella Dawson ‏@brosandprose
Yup. I’m terrified 95% of the time.

In the interest of accuracy, I should point out that I am NOT a sociopath. While I am narcissistic and machiavellian, I score unusually high in empathy, so I am actually more anti-sociopathic than the average individual. It is merely my predilection for abstraction and my natural curiosity that makes me come off as sociopathic to the superficial observer.

The bad news is that because I can feel your pain, I am quickly able to learn which buttons one must push in order to inflict it upon you. I believe it may have been R. Scott Bakker who warned that the torturer you should fear most is the one who sheds tears as he works.

But as Supreme Dark Lord of the Evil Legion of Evil, I am pleased that I can give these women what they most want, which is fear. They need that heightened sense of drama in order to feel alive, and I am content to know that merely by acknowledging the fact of their existence, I can grant them what they crave.

Am I not kind?

In any event, it appears they do well to fear me in light of the intellectual company in which I am to be found these days.