Lessons in Rhetoric: Atheist edition

This atheist – sorry, “gnostic atheist” – decided to insert himself into the conversation following my observation that Richard Dawkins demonstrably does not know what “evidence” is:

Sapien @VernacularSwag
@voxday @RichardDawkins Stop talking. Atheism and agnosticism aren’t mutually exclusive terms. 90% of self-described atheists are agnostic

Vox Day @voxday
There is considerable evidence for God. You like definitions: look up “evidence”.

Sapien @VernacularSwag
LOL. Name one piece of evidence. You now are taking the affirmative

Vox Day @voxday
You’re laughing because you’re stupid. Again, look up “evidence”.

Sapien @VernacularSwag
I’m not the one pointing to invisible arguments for my position.

Vox Day @voxday
Neither am I. You don’t know what evidence is. Your arguments are hopelessly wrong.

Sapien @VernacularSwag
What the actual fuck

Sapien @VernacularSwag
You’re refusing to even have the discussion so how do you even know what my argument is

Sapien @VernacularSwag
You claim there is evidence for god yet refuse to provide an example and I’m the stupid one

Sapien @VernacularSwag
Go look it up for yourself, I’m done arguing against your ignorance

Sapien @VernacularSwag
you said considerable amount so surely it should be easy to provide just one

Vox Day @voxday
It is. But I know the Atheist Dance. You’re too intellectually short for the ride.

Sapien @VernacularSwag
Try me

Vox Day @voxday
No. The train is fine. Stop talking.

Sapien @VernacularSwag
It’s much easier to win argument that never happens isn’t it

Vox Day @voxday
What the actual fuck? Stop talking. The train is still fine.

Sapien @VernacularSwag
What the hell is this train you keep talking about lol

Vox Day @voxday
The train that is fine.

Sapien @VernacularSwag
…are you okay?

Vox Day @voxday
Yes. So is the train.

Sapien @VernacularSwag
Are you just saying random things to derail the convo now or what?

Vox Day @voxday
The train is not derailed. I already told you it is fine. Stop worrying about the train.

Needless to say, he’s doing a wonderful job proving my observation about the high degree of correlation between atheists and what used to be called “Asperger’s Syndrome”. I suppose now we could simply call it “atheism”. Or, if they prefer, “gnostic atheism”.

It’s certainly interesting to see that eight years after the New Atheists burst onto the scene waving the bloody flag of atheism, even Richard Dawkins is now publicly claiming that he is merely an “agnostic” and atheists are insisting that “atheism” merely means “personal disbelief in the existence of God” and certainly not any positive claim that God does not exist.

NB: as an additional discrediting flourish, directly quote their little rhetorical jabs once they’ve used them. If you don’t overdo it, it serves to underline their disinterest in genuine dialectic.