You don’t say

Who could possibly have seen THIS coming:

The Federal Office of Criminal Investigations (BKA) has warned that not only refugees but also people who work with them are under increasing threat from violent far-right groups.

The BKA’s warning comes in a secret document seen by the Süddeutsche Zeitung and NDR, which was written before a knife attack on the Cologne mayor, Henriette Reker, over the weekend which had an apparent far right motive.

“Especially politicians and people who look after asylum centres may be in the target group for far-right attackers,” the BKA report states.

The BKA expects far-right violence against the refugee policies of the German government will increase, adding that the otherwise “very diverse far right scene” has found an ideological consensus on the issue.

Three things the European politicians would do well to keep in mind:

  1. It’s not just the “far-right” who hates them and the invasion they encouraged.
  2. William Tell is a national hero.
  3. So are the White Rose Society. 

At this point, it looks as if everyone in Europe who doesn’t want his nation to disappear under a flood of invaders “has found an ideological consensus on the issue”.

If I was an elected German official, I would apologize to the German people, denounce Merkel, demand the immediate repatriation of all immigrants from 2014 and 2015, and resign my office.

Spiegel also reported Thursday that the number of attacks on refugee homes for the first three quarters of 2015 had risen to 505…. In 2013 the number was only 18.

I wonder what changed? What could possibly have created this massive increase in xenophobia?