I had an initial look at the Hugo statistics. I’ll have more on them later, but what leaped out immediately was the fact that the Puppy vote tipped the balance in Best Novel, giving it to Cixin Liu’s very good hard SF novel instead of Katherine Addison’s SJW fantasy angst-fest.
2649 The Three Body Problem
2449 The Goblin Emperor
Considering that the Rabid Puppy vote averaged 565 across the various categories, that demonstrates that we have the ability to play kingmaker even when we’re outnumbered approximately 4.5 to one by the SJWs combined with the traditional WorldCon community.
I’m going to guess that other than Chaos Horizon, who confirmed my Best Novel analysis, we’re not going to see a lot of SJW commentary on that, as they are too busy celebrating their successful self-immolations.
Goblin Emperor lost the Best Novel to Three-Body Problem
by 200 votes. Since there seem to have been at least 500 Rabid Puppy
voters who followed VD’s suggestion to vote Liu first, this means Liu
won because of the Rabid Puppies. Take that as you will.
Based on Chaos Horizon’s numbers, it appears there are 2500 SJWs, up from 1,100 last year, plus 2,400 WorldCon voters who are naturally biased against the Puppies, mostly on the basis of our slates, but are not intrinsically opposed to us on ideological grounds. That’s pretty close to their maximum mobilization, whereas 565 RP and 450 SP is only a fraction of our own.
I also appreciated this email from a RA, a non-Puppy who is one of the many former fans unhappy with what the SJW gatekeepers have decided is sufficiently non-problematic fiction worthy of publishing:
I wanted to write to you to say thank you for your work demonstrating the toxicity of the social justice warriors that have invested science fiction.
Science fiction was the first community I ran screaming from when the SJWs appeared – the amount of anti-white racism, the group-think, and the identity politics was shocking and horrifying to me. Segregated anthologies, editors that saw no harm in ranting about how they despised an entire race of people, and reviewers who made a point of counting how many “coloureds” and “women” there were in anthologies so they could decide how good they were.
Looking back I can’t believe how bad it was, and I’m glad I no longer write or am involved in science fiction groups.
I am absolutely indebted to you for your work on the Hugo Awards which show so clearly their approach to people who do not “rightthink”. In a way it shows me that I wasn’t crazy, that they were abhorrent, and that this is a community I should never have been involved in, given the horrible things it endorses.
RA is quite welcome, of course. The current SF community is a deeply sick and twisted one, and their ridiculous preferences in literature are merely a symptom of the real issues that plague them. The five categories burned last night are only the first sparks of the cleansing conflagration that is coming.