A note about the new release

We just sent out a second New Release newsletter to our subscribers, and I expect that some of you may be a little surprised at the fact that this particular new release is a somewhat more expensive than our usual pricing model would indicate. Please note that this does NOT indicate a new pricing policy on our part, it is merely the consequence of a contractual obligation on our part that stems from the book’s rather complicated origins.

The book is still considerably less expensive than new ebook releases from the mainstream publishers, at 475 pages it is a good value, and there are two new selections included in the five from which the New Release subscribers can choose their free book: The Four Generations of Modern War by William S. Lind and The Altar of Hate by Vox Day.

In other, not entirely unrelated news, people are beginning to wrap up their long march through William S. Lind’s ON WAR and post reviews on Amazon. Here are three that might inspire you to take a closer look if you haven’t already: 

You can’t say you weren’t warned.
A long but great work. This book should be required reading at West Point. 

Highly recommended
Highly recommended, even for those not directly interested in military strategy. Mr. Lind’s framework has wide ranging applications for politics, economics, and the future of our nation. Consider it in the same league as Nassim Taleb’s “Antifragile” (and indeed, there are many overlaps). 

I urgently and gravely, recommend this book for any officer of the United States Armed Forces 
In March of 2003, I was in a unique position to watch the anatomy of a folly…. I was a career Marine at the time and I knew we were making several mistakes. I knew we didn’t have enough boots on the ground for a successful occupation, in truth we didn’t have enough boots in the entire military. In 1945 we has better than 11% of the population in uniform and under arms and we were trying to get the Germans and The Japanese to self organize. In 2003, less than one half of one percent of our population was in uniform, we had huge global commitments and we were trying to get Arabs to self organize. The occupation plans seemed to be little more than a few platitudes from a Washington DC that was playing at war.

It felt as if we were trapped by a fever dream. That we could bring democracy to an extremely low trust culture on the points of our bayonets. Overthrow thousands of years of tribal tradition with little more than a few speeches. And for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why were trying to do it.

William S. Lind had a very good idea as to why were doing it.

This book contains collected columns of William S. Lind through that six year trip to hell known as Operation Iraqi Freedom. Much of this this reads like the works of a modern Nostradamus. Resented by many senior officers at the time as an ardent defeatist, Lind’s predictions were beyond prescient. From the rise of AQI, to the collapse of the Iraqi government’s control over it’s own territory. Linds 20/20 foresight makes him a modern Cassandra.

There is a reason Cassandra wasn’t popular

The new book’s official release date will be on Monday, when it will also be made available on Amazon.