Kindle format at Castalia

It’s only Wednesday, but we’ve already had a busy week at Castalia House, as over 50 people signed up for the New Book Release mailing list, we finished getting all 4,500 pages of the nine-volume The Empire’s Corps series by Christopher G. Nuttall online, we acquired a new Associate, and we added a Kindle-compatible format, MOBI, to most of the books being sold at the Castalia Store. So, after making your purchase, you can choose between EPUB and MOBI format, which means that Kindle users now have the option to buy directly from Castalia as well as from Amazon.

We have also created an Astronomy Homeschool Bundle, which includes all four books for the Astronomy & Astrophysics course as well as the Castalia Classic novel First on the Moon, for the price of $49.99. This is not only one of the best homeschooling curricula available, it is is arguably the best homeschooling deal you will find anywhere. Unfortunately, we can’t offer a complete Selenoth or Quantum Mortis bundle yet, due to Amazon’s Kindle Select policies, but we may do so in the future.

There is still a lot to do, as we still have yet to get the various translations on the Castalia Store and figure out how to transform the Chinese translation of QM:AMD into a recognizable ebook format. (If you have any ideas about this, do share them.) As for the image above, it is by our newest artist, and as you have probably already surmised, it will be featured on one of our forthcoming 4GW-related books.

As for our new Associate, we are pleased to be able to offer Sci Phi Journal #1 for sale on the Castalia Store. Among other things, it features a new John C. Wright novelette entitled The Ideal Machine. A complete review of the new journal by Daniel Enness can be found here.