I blame the anti-vaxxers

More benefits of vibrant immigration in the modern age:

E’ mistero sui circa quaranta ipotetici casi di Ebola registrati nella nostra Nazione. Il virus, diffuso soprattutto nel Continente africano – i casi “ufficiali” sono stati registrati in Senegal, Mali e Ghana – potrebbe essere arrivato il Italia “grazie” al massiccio esodo di immigrati sulle nostre coste. Un primo “campanello” d’ allarme era stato lanciato da Lampedusa. Secondo una notizia comparsa in rete (e subito rimossa per motivi di “sicurezza nazionale”) infatti, lo scorso 16 aprile sarebbe stato registrato un episodio epidemico sull’ isola, mai confermato, nè smentito dal nostro Ministero della Salute.

Un nuovo “SOS” circa la propagazione del virus dell’ Ebola nel Bel Paese viene, questa volta, dalla Toscana. Mezzo di diffusione della notizia choc è sempre la rete: blog, social network, siti dedicati hanno evidenziato il “curioso caso di San Rossore”, centro di accoglienza sito a Pisa, chiuso al pubblico a causa della presenza, all’ interno di esso, di quaranta cittadini extracomunitari che presenterebbero degli strani sintomi. Sandra Capuzzi, Assessore alle Politiche Sociali del Comune di Pisa, avrebbe liquidato gli allarmismi dei suoi concittadini, classificando le condizioni di salute dei profughi presenti nella struttura in questi termini: “Hanno solo un pò di febbre, causata dalle stressanti condizioni di viaggio alle quali i ragazzi sono stati sottoposti”. Sarà davvero così?

“It is a mystery concerning about 40 hypothetical cases of Ebola recorded in our Nation. The virus, mostly spread throughout the African continent – the official cases are recorded in Senegal, Mali, and Ghana – might have arrived in Italy thanks to the massive exodus of immigrants landing on our coast. A first alarm bell was sounded in Lampedusa. According to a news release that was quickly suppressed for national security reasons, on the 16th of April an episode of the epidemic was recorded on the island, although it was not confirmed or admitted by our Minister of Health.

“A new SOS concerning the propagation of the Ebola virus in the Beautiful Country then came, this time, out of Tuscany. The news spread through the Internet with evidence of “the curious case of San Rossore” the center of a housing site in Pisa closed to the public due to the presence of strange internal and external symptoms exhibited among 40 foreign nationals. Sandra Capuzzi, the Social Policy Director of the City of Pisa, tried to quench alarmism among the Pisan citizenry, classifying the condition of the health of the 40 foreigners in these terms: “They only have a little fever caused by the stressful conditions of their travel and living arragnements.” Is that really the case?”

I haven’t seen anything about it in the newspapers, although there is some whispering among the more conspiracy-minded sites. The rumor is that the failure of quarantine happened because the virus is a varient of the usual one that sometimes shows up as a false negative. One hopes this will turn out to be the usual nothing; it’s been a few days since this alarming report on containment being lost.

The outbreak of Ebola Virus in seven west African countries has broken through all containment efforts and is spreading like wildfire.  According to Christian Relief groups working in Guinea and Liberia, the number of confirmed infections jumped 15% in just the last 24 hours. In addition, 40 illegal alien migrant workers from the outbreak area, who came ashore in Pisa, Italy, are showing signs of Ebola infection and are being isolated in Pisa Italy because of fever and “conjunctivitis” (bloody around the eyes).  According to the World Health Organization, this strain of Ebola is entirely new and although it is close to the Zaire strain, it is different, thus accounting for false-negative test results . . . . . for weeks!

If only Jenny McCarthy hadn’t successfully convinced so many people not to get their ebola vaccinations! Forget Putin. Clearly she is the Hitler of our day.