The Hill writes to Matt Drudge:
have written before that, whether I like it or not, you are the one of
the most influential forces in modern media, possibly THE
most influential single player. You tower above your peers in what you
do. Despite my failed efforts, no liberal or Democrat has even tried to
create a legitimate competitor to what you do. But with your influence
comes power, and with power comes responsibility, and the Drudge Report
in recent months has become inundated, and saturated and permeated with
baiting stories about the president’s race, and about blacks generally.
These are beneath the standards you should set for yourself and your
profession.You should be, and I hope you will be, a
better citizen and more worthy professional than is suggested by the
sheer number of race-related and often race-baiting stories that you
regularly banner on the Drudge Report.
Dear Matt,
We in the media have been successfully sweeping black-on-white crime under the carpet for decades. Now that people are reading you instead of us, they are beginning to realize that vibrancy is not, in fact, our strength. Please stop, or we will turn up our noses at you as our readers continue to turn to you for the information we are keeping from them.
Thank you,
The Mainstream Media