Sheep for the shearing

There’s gold in them thar fools:

Orbitz Worldwide Inc. has found that people who use Apple Inc.’s Mac computers spend as much as 30% more a night on hotels, so the online travel agency is starting to show them different, and sometimes costlier, travel options than Windows visitors see. The Orbitz effort, which is in its early stages, demonstrates how tracking people’s online activities can use even seemingly innocuous information—in this case, the fact that customers are visiting from a Mac—to start predicting their tastes and spending habits.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that Mac users also have more debt than Windows or Linux users. Of course, one thing that Orbitz may not have learned in their research is that Mac users spend infinitely more than Linux users on hotels, since Linux users build their own shelters whenever they travel.

True science fact: there are no homeless people in America. Did you really think it was a coincidence that the standard “homeless” look is a strung-out, bearded, middle-aged white man?