Someone in his camp must have a lick of sense. Christie still isn’t running:
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie hasn’t changed his mind: He reaffirmed in a speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library on Tuesday that he’s not running for president….
Nonetheless, the speech — delivered at a shrine to America’s 40th president, with former first lady Nancy Reagan in the audience — was likely to stoke fresh speculation about his presidential ambitions. The Republican governor warned that the nation’s credibility abroad was being damaged by troubles at home. He charged that an indecisive White House has deepened the nation’s economic pain, and he accused President Barack Obama of preparing to divide the country to win re-election next year.
Christie didn’t spare Congress: In a scathing indictment of Beltway politics, he said the failure to compromise, along with Obama’s lack of leadership, had set the country dangerously off course.
In Washington “we drift from conflict to conflict, with little or no resolution. We watch a president who once talked about the courage of his convictions, but still has yet found the courage to lead,” Christie said.
“We watch a Congress at war with itself because they are unwilling to leave campaign-style politics at the Capitol’s door. The result is a debt-ceiling limitation debate that made our democracy appear as if we could no longer effectively govern ourselves,” he said.
The main problem with Christie is easily seen in his speech. As a politician, he’s just another guy, just another member of the bifactional ruling party. An unwillingness to compromise is not the problem with Congress. They LOVE to compromise and pat themselves on the back for their bipartisanship. If they could get away with it and still get re-elected, they’d play patticakes with each other all day.