102 Blackmouth Banksters (7-4-0)
101 Moundsview Meerkats (2-8-1)
86 Valders Quixotes (8-3-0)
79 MS Swamp Spartans (5-5-1)
86 Bane Sidhe (7-4-0)
52 RR Redbeards (4-6-1)
97 Greenfield Grizzlies (5-5-1)
71 Meigs Marauders (5-6-0)
88 Judean Rhyneauxs (6-5-0)
74 Winston Reverends (4-7-0)
This is getting too absurd for words. I just scored more points than anyone else had previously scored all season… and still lost by one thanks to a kicker who scored nothing. But the Grizz are on a tear with a three-game winning streak just in time for a playoff run.