
I always considered Debbie Schlussel to be an irrelevant lightweight. So, John Hawkins’s account of her descent into lunacy is moderately entertaining:

Imagine, if you will, that you’re a normal person and then one day a quasi-famous mentally ill blogger becomes fixated on you the way Gollum was fixated on the Ring. Even though she hasn’t been setting the world on fire lately, she has been on TV, on the Howard Stern show and she’s written for the New York Post, The Wall Street Journal, & The Washington Times. Most people in the know realize she’s off her rocker, but how many people are in the know? How many fans does she have who don’t realize what she’s really like?

In fairness to Ms Schlussel, building a career on spotting anti-semitic bogeymen, both real and imaginary, has been a reasonably viable media strategy for the last thirty years. National Review alone appears to have a quota of at least 20 Corner blogs and 5 articles on the subject per month. But as the OC likes to say of the SFWA, blogger battles are bitter only because the stakes are so small.