The 20 coolest atheist t-shirts according to the Daily Telegraph:
1) Zeus to Reason
Because the Cult of Reason turned out so well the last time.
2) Distrusted minority
When raising consciousness backfires.
3) What would Dawkins do?
If The God Delusion is a reliable indicator, string a few irrelevant anecdotes together and call it science.
4) Atheist wine club
Correction: whine club.
5) Which day did God make all the fossils?
It depends. Are you talking about Eoanthropus dawsoni or Hesperopithecus haroldcookii?
6) No one has been stoned to death by atheists
Because atheists prefer starving people to death, shooting people to death, gassing people to death, and beating people to death with shovels.
7) God works in mysterious ways
This is how Christians know you have not read the Bible.
8) Dawkins&Dennett&Harris&Hitchens
Snippy&Phony&Screwy&Silly. The four intellectual dwarves of atheism.
9) Born OK The First Time
A successful entry does not dictate a successful exit.
10) Atheists do it unsupervised
And unmarried and childless. And not very often.
11) Atheists have morals too
A morality of one is not a functional moral system.
12) Don’t pray in my school, and I won’t think in your church
It’s not your school. And who the Hell are you to tell anyone else what to do or where to do it?
13) Imaginary friend
Now explain the other 93 percent.
14) Sleep with an atheist
Add to your STD collection.
15) Science, Dawkins, Rock&Roll
Social life as sausage fest.
16) iFraud
Because annoying Christians, Jews, and Muslims hasn’t made atheists unpopular enough already.
17) Roman Lions
Arguably not the best way to argue that atheists do not harbor the desire to kill vast quantities of innocent people.
18) Separation of church and state
19) Wait, what?
Dinosaur rodeo rocks!
20) Darwin is my homeboy
Charles Darwin is dead. In another 150 years, Darwinism will be too.