No wonder the media is freaking out. It appears that Palin just single-handedly destroyed the post-convention bounce, and she did it before her superlative speech:
The presidential race between Barack Obama and John McCain is now even at 42 percent, according to a new CBS News poll conducted Monday-Wednesday of this week. Twelve percent are undecided according to the poll, and one percent said they wouldn’t vote. This is in contrast to a poll conducted last weekend, where the Obama-Biden ticket led McCain-Palin by eight points, 48 percent to 40 percent.
Note that the “gender gap” is a bigger problem for Obama than it is for McCain – he loses more men than McCain loses women. By the way, isn’t it fascinating to see how conservatives react when a genuine conservative enters play in the place of the Rudy-Fred McRombee sort that requires all of the right-wing bloggers to try to convince themselves that if they just squint at him the right way in just the right light, he might kind of look a little bit like Reagan.