It’s impossible… except when it isn’t:
Another surprise sighting is that of giant magnetic field loops crashing down onto the Sun’s surface as if they were collapsing from exhaustion, a finding that Golub describes as “impossible”. Previously, scientists thought they should emerge from the Sun and continue blowing out into space.
The thing that is so wildly stupid about my fellow scientists is the way that they constantly try to have it both ways. One cannot praise something for providing certainty one moment, then praise it for being flexible enough to correct its previous errors.
SCIENCIST: You must believe X!
SKEPTIC: Okay, why?
SCIENCIST: Because 98.2 percent of all scientist say so! Science says so!
SKEPTIC: Okay, I believe X!
SCIENTIST: Um, guys, I kind of hate to bring this up, but we were wrong about X. It’s actually Y.
SCIENCIST: You must believe Y!
SKEPTIC: But, I believe X.
SCIENCIST: You uneducated fool! What are you, a Bible thumper? You must believe Y! Science says so!
SKEPTIC: But didn’t you just say it said X?
SCIENTIST: Hey, sorry everyone, it turns out that it’s actually Z.
SCIENCIST: You must believe Z!
SKEPTIC: Yeah, we’re going to let you jokers define truth, beauty, love and morality. That sounds like a brilliant idea. Let me know when you find the “missing” 96 percent of the universe.
One of the more foolish sciencists once commented here that I was insane because I look forward to scientists being forced to admit that they were completely wrong about dinosaurs being separated from humans by millions of years. But science history is nothing except the impossible being proved possible; I don’t believe they’ll be wrong because of any Young Earth beliefs on my part, but because their train of logic on the subject requires several assumptions, any of which could easily prove to be false.
Logic and theory are great, but they are no substitute for demonstrable fact. The strongest claim to truth are when logic, experience and demonstrable fact all point to the same place, and when they don’t all fit perfectly together, you’ve got a pretty good clue that you’re missing something somewhere.
Man’s scientific understanding is a snapshot, nothing more. Investing too much in the snapshot is foolish, history strongly suggests that you WILL be proven hopelessly wrong, quite possibly even within your lifetime.
I am a fan of both science and religion. I don’t worry at all about conflicts between them, not when science can’t even find most of the universe it infers and when the best social scientists can’t achieve better results with even the smallest focus group than an ancient text.