What about my needs? What about the reassurance I require after being told that a) no woman will ever want to have sex with me, b) I am gay, c) my hairstyle is unattractive, d) my flaming sword isn’t big enough.
And sometimes all in the same email!
*sob* Hold me, Ralph!
The thing that’s so nonsensical about this sort of thing is that the degree to which one’s opinion is correct has nothing to do with any of this sort of thing. Jill is attractive, especially for a law school student, who generally fall into the YE CATS MY EYES category. Lauren is even more attractive; she’s no Spacebunny, but she makes for a nice feminist poster girl. Others, well, the less said the better, but that’s neither here nor there.
But no woman who is willing to attack anyone else’s appearance has any right to complain about attacks on her own. I don’t know if Jill has ever done that, but certainly others in her blog circle have.