Women don’t think for themselves

It’s another way this study could have been described. I have to admit, I’ve always found it to be an unusual phenomenon, but a genuine one. I suspect that what it boils down to is that women are generally more attracted to social status than to physical beauty.

The first evidence that beauty is infectious is published today by scientists who have shown that when women see a rival smiling at a man, he becomes more attractive as a result.

The research, published in a prestigious scientific journal, gives objective credence to a common practice among American men of asking a female friend to be their “lady wingman”, or even hiring a beautiful woman to flirt with them in a bar, party or club to make them appear more attractive to others.

Of course, the inability to think for oneself is hardly limited to women. Back when I started Psykosonik, the local news media couldn’t have been less interested in us, even the free weekly rags didn’t bother to run a simple news item when we were signed to a Chicago record label. They preferred to run the usual in-depth, front cover stories on that no one outside of Minneapolis has ever heard of before or since.

But when Billboard magazine and other national publications took notice of us, we were suddenly deemed so worthy of note that the Star Tribune and the Pioneer Press were putting us on the front of the Entertainment section. It was strange. But in that case, I think it was a sort of small city inferiority complex, wherein anything invented at home can’t be any good unless someone from somewhere else declares it to be.

Anyhow, perhaps one of the ladies could explain why interest shown by another woman makes a man more attractive to her.