
The Evangelical Outpost lists seven reasons why Rudolph Giuliani can’t win the Republican nomination:

Rudy is pro-choice — Since the Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973 there have been 29 Republican candidates over eight Presidential elections. Only three candidates (Arlen Specter, Morry Taylor, Pete Wilson – all in 1996) were pro-choice. None of them won a single primary.

Rudy is anti-gun – In June 2000, the Giuliani Administration was “pleased to announce” that they were suing 26 gun manufacturers because the companies were “Deliberately undermining New York City’s gun control laws by flooding other markets which have less stringent gun laws with firearms that the manufacturers know are destined to be illegally resold in New York City…” The mayor’s police commissioner, Howard Safir, even proposed a nationwide plan for gun licensing, complete with yearly “safety” inspections. Kiss those NRA voters goodbye, Rudy.

I agree with EO that anyone pushing Giuliani as a genuine contender simply isn’t worth taking seriously. While the Clinton camp would love to go up against Rudy, I suspect Pataki is more likely to be selected for the role of sacrificial lamb.