Shakespeare’s Sister isn’t very familiar with the Bible:
A Christian is someone who believes in and follows the teachings of Jesus Christ—and it has lost all meaning to a person who willfully ignores the exhortations of goodness, patience, and love that are central to its namesake’s message.
And it’s yet another Biblically-illiterate individual who will no doubt be sadly disappointed to discover a Jesus Christ who does not live up to her lily-livered expectations of him should she actually crack open the New Testament. I shall be very interested to see evidence presented that “goodness, patience and love” are central to Christianity, not the belief in the Resurrection and acceptance of the lordship of Jesus Christ.
I mean, what religion doesn’t concern “goodness”? How can that concept possibly be central to any religion, given that the religion must define it? The puppies are now chasing their own tautological tails.
While I don’t know if God appreciates the irony of feminist sex slaves, He doesn’t exactly seem to be opposed to allowing people to experience the consequences of their actions. But if God can weep, presumably He can laugh as well, Dr. Eco’s doubts notwithstanding. Regardless, I don’t recall any evidence suggesting that Divine judgment rests upon exactly what one happens to find amusing, although it does suggest some interesting possibilities:
SAINT PETER: “How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb?”
DEAD FEMINIST: “That’s not funny!”
SAINT PETER: “Oh, so you’ve heard that one….”
PRINCE SATAN: “Go on, tell her another, I’ve enough of the grim bitches already.”