Amandagon can’t handle the heat:
I’ve decided to tighten up my judgement on whether or not I’m going to approve right wingers who come here to comment. I approve the vast majority of people right away, unless they leave comments that use racial/sexist/homophobic slurs or are spamming. But lately I’ve decided to be a little tighter about it–right wingers who start a comment with something like, “Feminists hate freedom of speech!” and then list a bunch of out-of-context Dworkin quotes are going into the “deny” pile straightaway. I still let through the more entertaining ones, but I’m not feeling like wasting comment space on the idiots. What do you think?
I think this demonstrates, as if more proof was needed, that Amanda is another feminist neofascist who is far more comfortable with delivering criticism than receiving it.
Her rationalization would be more convincing if it wasn’t demonstrably clear that almost every single feminist absolutely opposes freedom of speech. If you don’t believe me, go tell a feminist that she’s attractive and you’d like to see her take her clothes off. (Don’t worry, she probably won’t do it, but bring a fork and be prepared to quickly gouge your eyes out just in case.) Better yet, tell it to a feminist at the office who reports to you… I’m sure you’ll discover just how free speech friendly they truly are….
If you prefer to preserve your job and your vision, simply wait until your unfriendly neighborhood feminist brings up something political – they always do, since they can’t distinguish between the personal and the political – then tell her that you don’t believe women should have the right to vote. At least seven times out of ten, she will tell you that your views should be outlawed and that you should physically suffer for the crime of merely harboring such illegal thoughts, much less speaking them aloud.
All that being said, Amanda has a perfect right to ban anyone she wants from her blog, and she certainly should ban someone who has proved himself to be a genuine troll, regardless of his political persuasion. If she wants an echo chamber, that’s fine, although it will only make it that much easier for people to destroy her arguments on the rare occasions that she ventures out from the safety of the yes-girls and yes-eunuchs. There are certainly no shortage of blogs both Left and Right that prefer this sort of thing; avoiding that intellectually stultifying effect is the reason I do not manage comments here.
And on a tangential note, I’m rather looking forward to seeing the gulls of Pandagon deal with the realization that the Duke lacrosse affair that has so outraged women across the country was yet another rape that wasn’t. Here’s a clue… if it happened on a college campus, if the “victim” is gay, black or a woman, and the crime was outrageous enough to interest the national media, it’s almost surely a fiction concocted by the would-be victim. I did not mention it before today because I assumed the accusations would fall apart even faster than they have thus far.