Morgan wonders about spousal abuse:
But would your Voxinian utopia have any legal protections for victims of legitimate spousal abuse? In case you haven’t noticed, there are evil men and women out there who do find their way into a relationship. If everytime Ted has a bad day at work he comes home and beats Sally black and blue in front of the kids, what recourse should she have. Should a woman like that not be able to take her children and expect some support from the father?
And for the sake of argument we’re going to assume this is *true* abuse.
A reasonable question deserves a thoughtful response, and that last qualifier indicates that it is a reasonable question instead of the usual attempt to change the subject. Most divorce-related “abuse” is fake, but we merely acknowledge that point, mark it as irrelevant to the question and move on….
If the abuse is both physical and genuine, which is to say proven in a criminal court of law, and if there is no history of the purported victim either a) engaging in similar physically abusive behavior or b) engaging in adultery, then it is quite reasonable to consider allowing for some degree of child support and punitive “alimony”. Child support should be based on average financial requirements for the historical area of residence, not the ludicrous “manner to which the spoiled brats are accustomed”, and the “alimony” should be considered a species of fine that is paid directly to the victim over a period of five years and would depend entirely on the egregiousness of the offense(s).
If a woman – or a man, for that matter – wants a divorce over getting slapped once without sustaining any injury, that’s fine, but will have to make do with whatever fine a minor assault misdemeanor commands. And regardless of the precise level of financial penalty, the law should go both ways. If a woman slaps a man, she’ll be due for precisely the same damages that a man would owe for doing the same thing. The more serious the injury inflicted, the steeper the damages, of course.
As others have pointed out, self-defense is always an option, but lethal self-defense is not a justifiable response to most of what is now considered “abuse”. The reason a high, criminal standard of proof is necessary is that women are already being coached to produce false “evidence” of their abuse for the benefit of the fake family “courts”, including action videos and fraudulent witnesses.