So what do yinz think I should do? (That was my attempt at a Pittsburgh accent, appropos of nothing.) I’ve stated my disinclination to do TV and radio here in the past, and most of the invitations I’ve declined have been greeted with complete indifference, but the producer of a show for a gentleman who has hosted me before took me by surprise by agreeing with my critique of the ear fodder game.
They’d like to discuss the Sheepskin Scam and promise that we can go into whatever depth seems suitable to the discussion. I’m still not inclined to return to the airwaves, but I’m beginning to feel like some sort of prima donna who doesn’t deign to dirty her voice with the ears of the masses – just to completely mangle a metaphor – and that’s not my motivation at all.
I don’t care, so I suppose what it really comes down to is what you all would like. Does anyone actually want to hear me yammering on about this, assuming it is broadcast on the Internet? Or should we, as a self-sufficient, heterodox community continue to blithely ignore the archaic mainstream and their outmoded methods of communication while we carry on with half-baked theology, German sperm samples and Biblical numeromancy?
In short, am I being a prima donna or am I simply standing by my principles here? I don’t actually know, so feel free to chime in. The Bell has M in 25, you take the under?