Stephanie shakes a finger:
I wonder why you associate yourself with Jesus. You have poured out your contempt for Black women- ” fat, unattractive, unemployable” . Why associate this with Christ? Do you want to make His name more hated? Do you hope to make all Black women loathsome to themselves? Are good old boys patting you on the back? You are really on a roll. How clever that you get to appear as if you are a defender of Black infants while heaping derision on their mothers whom you so ably describe as less than animals. Why not leave Jesus out of this little enterprise which clearly is not His?
As you enjoy the applause of a well-fed, White and demonically led constituency, remember whose approval you do not have. Remember who has vowed to humble lofty eyes and destroy arrogant mouths. You have scorned the image and likeness of God. You have failed to recognize Christ in His distressing disguise. You have mocked the Blood that was spilled to save these “fat, unattractive unemployable” women. Tremble. Repent.
Now I did not see this one coming… I wonder if she would have liked it better if I hadn’t defended those innocents whom those women are destroying. She must be pure death on critics of Herod; I never considered the possibility that he might be the good guy in the Christmas story.