Mailvox: In defense of Women’s Rights

Sally shares her two bits:

This is the first I had ever seen your website. I would like to comment on your views of the article Why Women’s Rights Are Wrong. History has shown that men don’t really know what they are doing. Instead of blaming Women and Women’s Rights, trying blaming yourself and gender peers.

How has history shown this? Did Julius Caesar not know what he was doing when he crossed the Rubicon and put an end to the Republic? Did those who set up the Federal Reserve not realize that they were creating an inflation-engine machine? Did FDR attempt to pack the Supreme Court simply because he disliked the number nine? This statement strikes me as a tremendously naive one.

It was the men’s decisions that create the population boom that causes more men to decide to limit people in Asia to one or two children. It was men who brain washed everyone to believe that men are greater, stronger, and smarter than women, which is a lie (sin). That causes the decline in birthing to females. It was men that decided only men can pass on the families’ name, not that it is appropriate. It was men who abused their spouses and influence, it was men who suppressed their loved ones, it was men who craved war, it was men who did not appreciate what women do and how we play such a vital role in society and families, it was men who degraded us and treated us like we were second class citizens. Women’s rights came about because we have been treated badly and we want it to stop!

Yes, the population boom because of men, who had the bad taste to develop technology that allowed women to live to an average of 77 years instead of 30. Men are bigger, stronger and smarter than women on the average, by every measure, so there was no brainwashing necessary. There are men who crave war, to be sure, and since women are completely helpless to stop them, it is other men who must do so.

And how, I ask you, have women’s rights improved things for women? Consider some of the foremost aims of the early feminists: Divorce condemns most women to poverty because so many are incapable of providing for themselves without being handed a makework job in government, abortion allows a woman to murder her children and slaughters a disproportionate number of girls, one of women’s first political priorities was to ban alchohol and they have used their access to education to destroy the value of a college degree. The worst thing men could do to women is to leave them to fend for themselves; even giving them influence in government is turning out to be disastrous.

Women should wait till they are ready to have children. Women want to make sure that our children receive the protection and love that they deserve out of their childhood and life. Women want to make sure that their bodies and health and life will not be a sacrifice. Women take motherhood seriously! We want to be with our children because it is so important for a mother to mother but we don’t want the abuse, control, suppression, and manipulative degrading of our gender either. That is why we choose! Women have a right to decide if they want to have children at all. Many of us don’t want children, we won’t be force either!

Women who subscribe to this meme will die out, and deservedly so. They are already in the process of doing just that throughout the West, as they are considered less desirable by men, marry less often and later and have fewer children. The remainder will lose the ability to decide who they will marry, when they will have children and will again become the chattel of men that they were prior to the rise of the protective pre-feminist West.

Who cares if men don’t want to marry because of “liabilities”. Women do it all now anyways, with buying the houses, proving for the family, giving life to our own family, what do we need to marry for? Marriage for some women only becomes a burden. Most of us care only to mother our own small children, not someone else’s grown children. If a man can’t appreciate his wife and family enough to marry then, YES, do not marry!! We don’t want you. We are tired of the unappreciative manner.

This is complete nonsense. Women not only don’t do it all, they collectively contribute virtually nothing towards creating wealth and the technological advancement of society that has made our lotus-eating lives possible, furthermore,they do much to hinder it in destroying the natural workings of the free market. Sally is obviously quite young, otherwise she would know that it is not men who are complaining about no one wanting to marry them. The truth is obvious when even the most mysogynistic creep usually has several women hanging around hoping to marry him while many women will react with open fury to a successful, desirable man who announces that he has no desire to eventually marry.

I think now that women are in control of their destinies will be able to correct men’s self-serving, power hungry, bloody war craving, greedy wrong doings.

The short history of women in power shows no evidence of this whatsoever. More to the point, it will be interesting to see how they will keep power when men decide they will no longer submit to the Mommy State.

Women do have a deep appreciation of life. That is because we know what it takes for this to happen. Our bodies provide the housing and our bodies develop the new life. Men throughout history have destroyed this with war and hate and greed! Men will never have an appreciation for life like women do. Men can’t give life (birth)! That is what really bothers you! Such a powerful thing women have; the ability to create life. Is it you are only looking for control again? Men have such a small role in the process of it all which could probably be supplemented in evolution. After all… women do carry all the equipment. Evolution just might leave men to die out from old age and wars against each other. You are not God so how can you say you know where evolution will take us? That is typical behavior for men to play God.

It seems strange that women have such a respect for life that they regard ending it as one of their rights. Evolution requires millions of years and so has not entered into the discussion, the issue is demographics and it is not difficult to know where that is going as long as one possesses a basic grasp of mathematics. Of course, as we know, math is hard!

Did God make man or did man make God? The people who are good do not have to advertise it. The people who are evil are the ones that have the job of convincing others they are good, meaning your church. Have you molested many children today?

Apparently Sally is down with Mao, Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot, none of whom wasted their time convicing others that they were good. The mind boggles at imagining this lightweight attempting to define good and evil, much less delving into theology. As for children, not today, no.

Oh, that’s right, you are not a priest, but you do follow in their foot steps. Is that one of your reasons for women to be baby making machines?

No, I simply have an interest in the continuation of Western civilization, which is more than a little dependent on women embracing their unique biological role and the only one that a functioning society actually requires of them. But if Sally doesn’t, well, perhaps a burqah will suit her.

Men are responsible for all outcomes; many can argue men are the true root of evil. That is only a fraction of what I really have to say to explain about Women’s Rights. I always welcome a response. Bring it on.

It comes as no surprise that Sally doesn’t believe in personal responsibilit
y for herself or for women in general. In fact, it is this very belief that requires women to be second-class citizens; if, like children, they cannot be held responsible for their actions or decisions, then, like children, they cannot be permitted any degree of responsibility.