Another confused libertarian

Christploitation gets a bit mixed up:

It is a standard political device for fundamentalist Christians to cloak their true theocratic political agendas using the label of “libertarian.” Vox Popoli comes to mind here. Fundamentalists know that theocracy isn’t exactly an attractive idea when it is presented at face value; it must have a “value-add” and a costume to wear. This was the elephant in the living room that was pointed out by Judge Jones in the “Intelligent Design” ruling this week. The Christian fundamentalists were lying about their true beliefs and motives. They lied to the citizens and they lied to the Judge.

Now, be it anecdotal, but I still find it significant that each time I cross paths with a GOP libertarian / “Christian Libertarian” (with FEW exceptions), they’ll ALWAYS support the Republicans no matter how wrong they are on economics. The GOP is still “God’s Own Party” for them and libertarianism is their mask.

I’d be interested to hear a description of my “true theocratic political agenda”. Anyone care to have a go? It never ceases to amaze me how some individuals manage to confuse my assertions of religious faith with advocacy of political action.

I’ll admit to generally preferring Republicans to Democrats, but that’s like choosing between Helen Thomas and the rotting corpse of Eleanor Roosevelt. I’d no sooner vote for a member of the bi-factional ruling party than I’d take Helen or Eleanor out on a date.