The irrelevance of ID

Don’t look to me for outrage against the recent decision by a Pennsylvania judge to ban ID from the public school classrooms in Dover. The fact that I am an avowed evolution skeptic does not mean that I am impressed with ID or its advocates. “I don’t know and I don’t believe that you do either” sums up the totality of my position on the origin of the species. And furthermore, I am completely opposed to teaching evolution, ID or the Bible in the public schools… as well as teaching English, mathematics, geography, civics, French, home economics and gym.

It would not be possible for me to care less what is taught in the government propaganda factories. I don’t get worked up about what is taught in the North Korean schools either. If you are foolish enough to entrust the education of your children to the evil minions of the NEA and the state and federal bureaucracies, you will deserve exactly what you get.

Unfortunately, your children won’t.