Joseph Farah demonstrates the fortitude to openly admit past errors:
My instincts were right back in 2004.
I should not have pulled the lever for George W. Bush and I should never have urged others to do so. Even my wife, who coaxed me to break my vow never to support a candidate who doesn’t honor the Constitution, agrees now it was a mistake.
Without making more excuses, all I can say for myself was that I was so moved by the action of the Swiftboat Vets and their righteous campaign against traitor John Kerry, my emotions got the best of me.
I lost my head. I was not true to the promise in my own book, “Taking America Back,” just out in paperback, to avoid supporting the lesser of two evils, to avoid making insidious compromises in electoral politics, to avoid, at all costs, supporting politicians who do not understand and abide by the Constitution.
Mr. Farah is a good man, and I’m pleased that he’s decided to face the facts. I admire anyone who has the courage to shake their head, admit that they got it wrong and try to learn the appropriate lesson.