Aroused by an elderly man’s death, Amanda makes a vow:
One thing I vow here and now–you motherfuckers who want to ban birth control will never sleep. I will fuck without making children day in and out and you will know it and you won’t be able to stop it.
There are few things more unintentionally amusing than an “empowered” woman. Although I suppose I should be careful about upsetting darling Amanda. The next thing you know, she’ll be threatening us all with blow jobs.
Three things. First, the Supreme Court will never overturn Roe vs. Wade regardless of who is appointed. Bush is not a social conservative, his appeal to the genuine conservatives is a carefully constructed fraud and his nominees will reflect that. Second, it’s not the banning of female contraception that women should fear, it’s the introduction of dependable male contraception. That will have serious social ramifications that may rival the introduction of The Pill.
Third, demographic concerns about declining birth rates are not a conservative plot, but a genuine threat to Western civilization. In Italy, which has gone from a birth rate of nearly twice the US rate to one-half in thirty-five years, even the Communist Party is now beginning to be concerned about them.