I was wondering how many books had titles similar to that of my next novel – the one I finished last year – so I typed it into Amazon and was surprised to discover this.
So, if you are inclined to place a really, really, really early preorder, it would seem that you can do so before the cover has even been produced. I don’t know why you’d want to, but there you go.
As it turns out, the answer is three, although they are all sufficiently obscure and happen to leave out the “The”, so there’s no problem. I’d been thinking I was good, since I still had some nice W words with which to work, such as Wind and wings, but clearly I need to get a little more obscure. The Weft of Darkness, perhaps, or The Whinge of Devils.
Of course, if I actually want to sell more than ten thousand copies, I should probably call the next one something on the order of The Picasso Puzzle or Tara Cotta and the Philosophising Stoner.